Saturday, March 4, 2017

Coming Up New

So back in October my blog domain expired. The problem is I had no idea. The emails from Blogger went to my spam folder, and well, there's that. The domain expired, and was sold. So now if you click on my former "Finding Beauty in the Ordinary" blog URL, it goes to a blog that you will not even be able to read because it's in Chinese. Or Japanese? Heck. I don't even know.

Fortunately, after many shed tears, I was able to transfer all of my old blog posts into a new domain. I am looking forward to blogging again. It was such a huge part of my life when we first moved to Arizona. I think back to those first six months here with such fond, dear memories. And blogging was a huge part of that. When Josh was at work for hours and hours on end, I would pour my heart and soul into my blog, the community, and the friendships that formed. I still talk to many of them today. In fact, I just got back from a girls' trip to Austin with several of them. Never let anyone put down your online relationships because they are legit!

I regret not being more present here because there is a huge chunk of my life that is absent in this space. The babies have each been announced, but all of the memories in between -- they are lacking here. I am looking forward to documenting more. What a sweet gift to be able to give my children one day. There is something so magical about getting to look back and see what we did at various times and seasons in our our lives! What a gift.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Essential Oils: My Use of Them During Pregnancy, Labor & Delivery


So unless you live under a rock, essential oils are all the rage right now. I can barely open Instagram without seeing at least ten pics of them :) I love them-- I've already shared that. It's been so fun to "makeover" our medicine cabinet using them for health issues and also with cooking and in my daily beauty routine. They have been SO universal. I had no idea how many ways they could go until I started using them... there is truly an oil for everything! 

I knew when I was pregnant with Everly that I would be using essential oils during my labor and delivery. I am still kicking myself that it took me as long as it did to hop on the oil train because I really do believe it would have helped me so much with my morning sickness. It wasn't until March, into my second trimester, that I bought my starter kit and started using them in my pregnancy. They served several universal purposes that I'll be sharing about below. I'll also be writing about my uses for them during labor and delivery as I got quite a few questions about how I incorporated them into that special day, already a month ago! Crazy. Time is flying soooo incredibly fast the second time around! 

Let me say that Young Living is the ONLY brand I trusted in my pregnancy to use topically AND orally. I did a lot of research on brands and it was incredibly clear to me that they were my only option based on their SeedToSeal guarantee (read about that HERE). If I was going to put something on or in my body that was going to affect my unborn child it had to be top notch. 


While pregnant, my biggest issue was nausea. My morning sickness was 24/7 until about week 14 and reoccured around week 32. I tried to not complain about it a lot, but it still affected my day-to-day. Once I got my starter kit, I whipped out the peppermint and would apply it behind my ears and on my belly button for some relief. Usually just SMELLING it would help. I got so, so sick of sucking on peppermints. It was great to have the smell and relief that came from the candy without having to actually digest it. My morning sickness was so bad that I got put on Zofran but the side affects are HORRIBLE. If you've taken it before, you know what I'm talking about. 

I also experienced a lot of heartburn during the third trimester. I love lemon essential oil because it smells deliciously fresh and it was an instant cure for me with heartburn. I would put a few drops in a glass of ice water and get relief almost immediately. It was also another oil that I could simply inhale when nauseous for some relief. 

My major second trimester issue was sciatica pain and that also continued into the third trimester. There were a few times I felt like I could barely walk. I whipped together a "pain cream recipe" using 1 cup of coconut oil, 10 drops of Valor, 10 drops of Peppermint, 10 drops of Panaway and 10 drops of Lemongrass. I blended this in my Ninja blender, poured into a glass jar (essential oils will warp through plastic), placed in my refrigerator and had an awesome, natural pain cream when I need it. It smelled like a peppermint patty and was cooling to my skin. Relief! 

I loved using Lavender in my bath tub at night when I was relaxing. The smell was incredibly soothing and would help my body unwind and destress after a physically long day. Joshua and I are obsessed with Cedarwood essential oil and used it nightly for a good night's sleep by diffusing it in our bedroom and putting a drop behind ears, one in-between eyebrows, and a drop on the back of each big toe. I also used Lavender in my mascara-- a drop helps with eyelash growth and protecting your mascara wand against bacteria (yuck). I lost almost ALL of my eyelashes while pregnant #weirdpregnancyproblems

My skin also started freaking out a bit at different times in my pregnancy and I used a few drops of Frankincense in my nightly moisturizer to help soften my skin and help with breakouts. It's the oil that the three wise men brought to baby Jesus-- hello! 

A different times in my pregnancy, let's be honest, there were stressful moments chasing around a toddler, feeling frazzled about getting everything done and more. I swore by Stress Away- I had it in a roller bottle in my purse and would just roll it on my wrists on more than one occasion. The smells of Lime, Lavender, Cedarwood, Vanilla and more just soothed me. It's a crazy oil to me because I feel it working right away. It's one of my daily go-tos and is known for helping with normal, everyday stress and promoting relaxation and lowering hypertension. 

Nasty to talk about but hello your body does weird things while pregnant! For constipation issues, Citrus Fresh, Lemon, Orange and Peppermint essential oils in a glass jar of water - 3 drops each and bam! ;)

For overall energy, I used EnRGree on the bottom of my big toe and got jamming. I kind of laughed at this oil at first-- yeah right I could get energy from an essential oil? But um, yeah. The blend of Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, and more put my body into productivity mode. Totally necessary at the end of pregnancy when you have a zillion things to do and not enough motivation to do it. 

For headaches, I used Panaway, Peppermint and Frankincense essential oils applied to my temples, forehead, neck and big toe.

Can't stress Lemongrass enough as a great way to help with back pain, sciatica pain, water retention/puffiness, etc. It helps big time with circulation and helped me in the end when I was starting to get killer puffy feet ;) 


During labor, we started my diffuser right away with Lavender. It set the tone for a calm, peaceful environment. I encouraged Joshua to wear Peace&Calming and he rubbed that on the back of his neck. Another highly suggested oil for the daddies is Valor during labor but since I was running low we kept to the Peace&Calming ;) 

I didn't have back labor this time, so we didn't have a need for the pain cream, although I did have everything for it. 

I didn't eat anything the whole day, but I did have two popsicles which started some heartburn for me right as I was entering transition. We zapped it with some lemon in a small sip of water and I was good to go. 

We were too overwhelmed with seeing our new beauty, but I did have plans of putting Frankincense on her sweet little head and anointing her with it, but that didn't happen ;) 

Now ClarySage is known to increase contractions and I can't say enough about this oil. First of all, it smells AMAZING! I was going to diffuse it but didn't have enough time. When I was around 5 CM dilated and relaxing, Joshua put a few drops of ClarySage on my ankles and I rubbed a few drops on my belly button area. Within 70 minutes, I went from a 5 CM to a 10! Bam! 

I also used LavaDerm Cooling Mist for post-delivery-- it contained aloe vera and lavender to help soothe the perineal area from tearing/episitomy, etc. I was SUPER glad I bought this product after being a little on the fence about it. I can still use it moving forward for sunburns and more! Woot! 


For postpartum hormonal dips and balance, I've been diffusing Joy in my house a lot and also placing a few drops over my heart. It's an uplifting oil that has helped boost my mood and frame of mind. Also a lot of Peace&Calming going on in the house with two under two now :) 

I still have a few oils to try that help this specific issue and will be purchasing them this month so I'll have to let you all know how those go! 


Thanks for letting me share my uses of oils during this whole process-- they truly helped me and made me fall in even more love with them. I'm not a doctor, obviously, and am only writing this to share my story. Any questions about essential oils, please feel free to email me at 

(I really suggest starting with an essential oil starter kit-- it will start you off with 11 of some of the most popular and universal oils and will totally "makeover" your medicine cabinet. To order click HERE)

Sunday, January 1, 2017


Happy New Year! One of my favorite days of the year. For several years I have been blogging on and off at a blog called Finding Beauty in the Ordinary. Unforunately, the domain name is now no longer mine due to the fact that I had an expired debit card on file for my domain renewal and the warning emails went to spam :( My blog URL has since been sold, and claimed, by a Japanese blogger. I hope they love the URL as much as I did! So onward to new and fresh things. Starting with this new place. I was able to transfer most of my old blog posts, fortunately! I am so thankful for that. I have been wanting to re-brand for awhile anyways, so I guess this forced to me to do it. I'm so excited 2017 is here! We are about to celebrate the 1st birthday of our darling son, Edward Josiah, in just a few days! What a blessing he has been to us over the last year. Each day has truly been met with sunshine when it comes to him. Thank you, God, for such a gift! Today I made some goals and did some planning. I love the first day of a new year! What are some goals of yours for 2017? And if you choose a theme "word" for the year, what word are you choosing? I love choosing smart, attainable goals instead of impractical resolutions! 

|| "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." Jim Rohn ||
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Edward Josiah

Our little man is here! It's been so long since I've blogged, ha! I'm ashamed to finally be here posting but oh well, such is life! There is life with three kids for ya! ;) The last time I blogged I was 24 weeks pregnant with this little man and now, here we are, already six weeks in! God is so good! This little guy has been an absolute joy to our family. We honored a long line of Edward's in the family with his name but he is going by "Josiah." He is the easiest baby EVER. I don't know if we are just getting more and more used to parenthood or if each baby is truly getting easier, but I'll take it. Birth story coming soon. Thank you, Jesus, for this perfect gift! I have a SON. AHHHHHH! 
Monday, September 21, 2015

A Little San Diego and Laguna Beach Getaway

We were able to get away to California last week for some sweet family time. I absolutely love a good road trip and time with my family, so it's basically a win win! We are so blessed to live only a 5 1/2 hour drive from San Diego and extended family members. Even though my parents don't live in town anymore, my brother is still there, as well as my in-laws, Josh's sister and her family, and our friends. It's always great to catch up, even though the time there is usually crazy busy and chaotic trying to squeeze seeing everyone in! On this particular trip, we tried to focus on time with just us which meant only staying in San Diego for one night. We got to spend some time with my brother at Mission Beach that evening. Eden loved making "sand angels" in the sand in her clothes (we went straight from AZ and didn't have a way to get her bathing suit out of the suitcase ahead of time) and Everly loved touching her feet in the sand, too. My little water babies, they have it in their blood ;) The next morning we got breakfast with Josh's family, and then headed up to the Pacific Coast Highway where we went through all of our old favorite stomping grounds like Dana Point, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach. We have a secret little place that we like to park in Laguna and we found that, got the girls out of the car and spent some time at the water with the girls. The location is literally right next to the Montage Resort in Laguna and is absolutely breathtaking! Lots of great memories there back in our dating and early newlywed days! From there we drove to check into our hotel at the Hyatt Regency Orange County where we embarked on a few days at the happiest place on earth ;) More pics of that to come. Wanted to make sure I documented these beach pictures that will always hold a special place in my heart! P.S. In the last picture below, I am 24 weeks pregnant with our son! I can't believe it! It has gone so fast! 

Friday, July 24, 2015

Everly Kate -- Months 8 - 11

Month by month glimpses of our sweet girl who is turning ONE in only 14 days... Not like I'm counting or anything! So bittersweet! And for some reason her month 4-7 are not showing on my blog so here is a link for those, if anything for me to just have it here on this blog for my own memory's sake :) I just love this kid so much.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Our Next Adventure -- Baby #3!

You know you have baby brain when you write a blog post mentioning your pregnancy before actually blogging about it! Thanks to a sweet reader for bringing that to my attention ;) Ha! I'm so much more active on Instagram than the blog world and announced our third pregnancy a few weeks ago on there but have yet to do so here! So yes, baby #3 is coming in January 2016! I've been over the moon thankful to have experienced a somewhat smooth first-trimester (my first Zofran-free!) as I still have a 10 month old and almost-three-year-old to keep up with! We are beyond excited to welcome this new baby into our lives in January-- and another fun bonus, not being 9 months pregnant in August! ;) Thank you God for our newest, sweet blessing!